Michael Adam

about me

I attend to women with gynaecological disorders and accompany them along their biological way.

I help with their sexual problems, in giving birth and in the changes associated with getting older.

I also regard it my duty as a physician to provide knowledgeable support in times of upheaval or in crisis situations.

One such situation is advising about unplanned pregnancy and possibly also the termination of the pregnancy, a step that is often not easy and sometimes can be associated with subconscious or conscious feelings of guilt.

The primary focus for me has always been the welfare of women, whom I strongly support mentally and physically.

Frauenarzt Wien: Dr. Michael Adam

tel: +431 370 62 22 mobil: +43(0)664 610 83 02 michael@adam.co.at

Mo, Mi, Do, Fr 10-12
Mo, Di, Do 15-18
sowie nach Vereinbarung

Heiligenstädter Str. 217
1190 Wien - Austria